About Tori and Stowe & so
Stowe & so is a small team of artists and artisans, each dedicated to our different craft. Sewing, drawing, printing and then tying all the skills together to create something new that the world has never seen before.
Nessy heads up the print room, using strength, laughter and chatter to transform plain fabric into vast landscapes of beauty. This virgin ground is inherited by Gladys, the super seamstress, to be reinvented into products. Each item we make is uniquely conceived and only available once. Or twice (if you ask nicely). Glad has been with Stowe & so and The Corner Gallery since before it was opened. She has a hand and a thought in every process of shop, sales and studio. Elvis helps out on all fronts with the printing, finishing, doing maintenance and occasionally catching the horse. Bathurst is a one horse town after all.
Tori is the resident artist and designer. We keep her in a dark quiet space to best create stuff. If we hear growling we throw in chocolate. Not kidding, she’s like a hedgehog tiger. Craig is the business bit that orchestrates all the people, products and stuff that go into making them into some kind of cohesive thing for people to buy. Noah is Craig and Tori’s kid. He is 13. He designs and prints his own range of T-shirts and makes the cookie stock vanish.
So that’s us, the Stowe and so. so and so’s.